Sunday 13 April 2014

Youtube has been blocked in Turkey .

The world in getting progressed day by day and the uses of youtube and social media had a vital role in it. The lust of people around the world in connecting with internet is increasing to develop their societies.

Recently, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan banned on Youtube the day after blocking Twitter. The main reason behind this initial step is the leaked of some official talks against Syria. Some new agencies has admitted the leaked items were so potentials in meaning ..

Erdoagan had to face in local elections on sunday, so to avoid misunderstandings among the people he accused the media and suggested the banned could be applied on both youtube and facebook .

This is the not the first time Youtube has been blocked in Turkey. They also banned in the year 2007 and which was ended in the year 2010.

In this modern and technique era some politics are forcing to block social medias in order to avoid
their real faces. The youtube has been blocked in Pakistan for couple of years and it seems its an  awful period the people of Pakistan .

Now its the turn of Turkish people to face problems by not using youtube and twitter.